On Saturday, October 4th, 2008 I completed my 10th St. George marathon! And this is my fan club! I love you guys more than you know!
This year I ran my personal best under not so great conditions. It rained for 26.2 miles and then some! The first time in 25 years that there has been rain for the marathon. For some it was a cold, dark, wet run, but for me, the rain kept me focused on the finish and on the road ahead.
We didn't get to enjoy the beautiful sunrise that attracts so many to this race, or the dramatic colors of Snow Canyon. But the rain and wind didn't keep the volunteers and local supporters from cheering everyone on to the finish. We needed you more this year than ever, and you were there!!!
(If you want to see more pics of me that were taken during the race, go to www.marathonfoto.com and select St. George Marathon 2008, Bingham, Bib # 4685.)
I know there were many friends and some family that ran on Saturday as well, so I'd love to get your take on the experience. I learned a lot this time about the power of mind over matter, visualization, and POSITIVE AFFIRMATION!!!
A few days before the race, I wrote down my goal of 3:40 and what I would do to get there, down to the details of how I would swing my arms, hold my head, and even when I would drink. Then I wrote down the names of 26 people who have inspired me or been an influence in my life. I folded the paper and tucked it in my pack next to my iPod.
The first 7 miles in the dark, I ran with Alan (my hubby) and a friend Liz that I saw at the start line who was going for the same pace as me. We talked and laughed and kept a great pace. As we approached Veyo, I knew that my family would be there to see me run by and give me a hug. Once I passed them, Liz and I were separated (which can happen pretty easily) and I was on my own (Alan was only running the first 7 and last 3 miles to help me pace).
That is when I started on my list. For every mile that followed I would think of someone I had written down and tell myself "This mile is for _______". Then I would just pretend that they were pushing me along, encouraging me, even making me run faster for them. Before I knew it, I was up Veyo hill, passed mile 10, 11, and 12 and was almost half way.
Unfortunately, when nature calls . . . so at mile 13, I made friends with the porta-potty and watched the seconds turn to minutes until I was finally able to get back on the road. I knew I had about 4 minutes to make up and thought that there was a chance I could do it on the downhill miles.
I gave it all I could - only because I thought of the great people in my life. It kept my mind off my body. In fact, looking back, I never once felt any pain in my knees, calves, IT band, or anywhere I've had problems before. It wasn't until the last 2 miles that I finally felt fatigue kick in and had to really fight the wall.
Soaking wet from head to toe, I crossed the finish at 3:43, just 3 minutes off my goal. A personal record and a miracle in my book. So many lessons learned, as with every marathon before. But for the first time I can honestly say, from experience, that running is a MENTAL sport.